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Dona Elizabeth Nobrega de Araujo Tsakiroglou Carrington passed away

Updated: Nov 20, 2023

It is with the greatest sadness we hereby announce that Dona Elizabeth Nobrega de Araujo Tsakiroglou Carrington passed away on Friday, 20th October 2023, following a courageous battle with illness.

Dona Elizabeth Nobrega de Araujo Tsakiroglou Carrington

Elizabeth's remarkable enthusiasm for and dedication to The Maria Nobrega Foundation was inspirational. She was perceptive, focused and full of innovative ideas. Her patronage of numerous heritage projects brought people together, to ensure that these seemingly impossible ideas came to fruition.

As the respected President and Co-Founder of the Foundation, Elizabeth was at ease with every society, at every level, and in any country. She was truly passionate about the arts, heritage, traditional culture and crafts. We will miss her charm, modesty, generosity of spirit and warm heart.

The Maria Nobrega Foundation owes a debt of gratitude to Elizabeth and her late husband Michael for all that they achieved over the past 20 years to raise awareness and ensure the successful continuation of the Foundation started by her late mother. Their vast circle of friends and colleagues will continue to work closely together to commit to carrying out their incredible legacy.

In time, we will overcome our heartfelt grief and be inspired by Elizabeth's memory and celebrate her life as we look forward to the future with her guidance and blessing.

HIRH Andreas Salvator Hapsburg-Lothringen

Patron and Chairman of The Maria Nobrega Foundation


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