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Archita / Arkeden, Transylvania

Von Sternburg House Restoration Archita Romania

The Maria Nobrega Foundation restored the 'Von Sternburg House' in 2010, which faces the small town center and has been an important start in stimulating new economic activity for the village.

The restoration commenced in May 2010, with the first phase completed on August 5th 2010, just in time for a celebratory festival organized by Mayor Tosa of the Vinatori Comune. The Chairman and several Nobrega Board Members attended.

The restoration work was carried out by Bi-Turn Construction srl (Sf. Gheorghe). Phase I of the work included a full exterior restoration including removal of prior thermopane windows, roof tile insignias, stripping of wall plaster and old and recent concrete surfaces, as well as the removal of a communist-era film projection booth. Remnants of window frames on ground floor level provided size guidelines for new wood-frame installations. By agreement with Mayor Tosa, the small facing park was also improved with fencing, walkways, and grading.

During the restoration process concrete floors were removed as well as all interior wall coverings revealing elegant brick vaulted spaces on the ground level. "Lost stairs" were also discovered, connecting the basement to the first level, which were blocked over during communist times.

Click on images below to see stages of the 'Von Sternburg House' restoration and the Archita Festival in August 2010.

Archita Fortified Church Village

Archita Fortified Church Village

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